Matt @

AUTHOR: Matt @

New look, same great taste release notes

Hi there! We have moved to a new platform for sharing our release notes and you may have noticed that things look a little different around here. We hope you like the new look!

Soon, we'll begin splitting up our release notes into a separate post for each product. To make sure you're staying up to date on everything that's relevant for you, head over to our main page and click the "Manage subscription" button.

You can then choose the categories for which you want to receive notifications:

  • Performance (previously known as Partnership Cloud)

  • Creator (our constantly evolving influencer management platform)

You can also unsubscribe from all our release notes, but we're willing to bet an intelligent, attractive person like you would never do something like that .

We hope you enjoy the new format! If you have any feedback (positive or negative), reach out to us at We'd love to hear from you. / performance

Revamped marketplace experience with several key enhancements

We are thrilled to introduce a revamped marketplace experience with several key enhancements:

  • Improved publisher vetting process: We've optimized and streamlined our publisher vetting processes. With this improvement, "approved" partners will now instantly become live accounts, boosting their visibility in the marketplace. This change has significantly expanded the available inventory of publishers, providing you with more opportunities to connect with top-tier partners.

  • Enhanced partner profiles: We are standardizing slideouts across the entire platform and enhancing our coverage of data in these slideouts. The Universal Slideout will now be the standard view for publisher information across both Performance and Creator platforms. Our new slideouts have key information to help learn more about who the partners are and how they perform (some high-level engagement metrics).

  • Enhanced filters and navigation options:  We have added the ability to filter the Marketplace by a creator's demographic information and/or by a creator’s audience demographic information- ensuring you find the perfect match.

  • Default sorting by partner size: Partners will now be sorted by size by default, helping you quickly identify and connect with the most relevant and impactful publishers

Social Property data now available for Workflow Conditions

As a reminder, Workflows allow you to automatically approve, deny, or group partners when they apply to your program. With this release, we’re improving Workflows by expanding the available Rule conditions to include social property data such as follower counts and audience criteria (age, location, etc). This update makes it simpler to use workflows to auto-review Creator applications, saving you time. 

These new rule conditions are available in both the performance and creator program types. For the best results, we recommend pairing these new social conditions with a business model condition (where the business model is Creator).

Note: The audience demographics rules are an all-or-nothing match. So for example, if you set the rule to audience location is US, and 1% of the creator’s audience is in the US, then it will match. 

Several Reporting updates are now available!

  • Data Lab now has Customer Id available as an option

  • Advanced Action Listing report has a new filter for invoice date

  • Performance reports now show click counts for CPC v2 under a new "Click Cost" column

  • Chained Action report now shows both “Parent Ref URL” and “Child Ref URL”.

  • Blocked Partner report will no longer contains archived partners. This report update is scheduled to go live on July 31st, 2024. 

  • Agency Account reports: We updated the Performance by Media report (for Agency account users) to allow drill down into the Performance by Campaign report (for Agencies) and vice-versa.

Admins rejoice — bulk user management is getting easier

Last month, we announced some upcoming improvements to user management: User Access Groups and Bulk User Invites. As promised, we are now beginning to roll out those updates. We will enable these features for some users this week, and everyone else next week.

We’re taking things slow with this rollout because it will change the way that account administrators manage permissions, even for individual users. Once User Access Groups are enabled, you will not be able to edit roles and permissions for a single user, unless you first create a user access group and add that user to it, like so:

We’re excited for this update and we think it will save some folks a lot of time — particularly those who have to manage access rights for a lot of users.

Newsletter v2 improvements: Ad Code validation

We’ve implemented validation for ad codes you add to newsletters. Now if you enter an invalid code, you get an error message alerting you to correct the issue.

Notice: Upcoming Newsletter v1 deprecation

This is a notice that we plan to deprecate our old Newsletter v1 system, effective September 1st, 2024 (v2 is the defaut screen today. v1 is accessed by clicking on the banner on the bottom of the newsletters screen). 

Any Segments and Templates created in v1 won’t be migrated to the v2 system, so please be sure to recreate your relevant segments and templates in Newsletter v2 to avoid disruption.

If you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming newsletter v1 deprecation, please reach out to your CSM or open a ticket with our support team by navigating to the lower right-hand corner of the platform and clicking on the Help/? icon. 

Notice: Upcoming Performance by Product Ad report deprecation

The Performance by Product Ad report will be deprecated on July 31st, 2024. Please use Data Lab for any Product Category reporting needs moving forward. / creator creator v1.5 is here

In case you missed the big announcement, we are beyond excited to share that version 1.5 has officially launched! This update is a game-changer, loaded with enhanced tools and features that will take your experience to a whole new level!

Trust us, you don’t want to miss this! Dive into the details here.

Creator report enhancements

  • Performance by Post report. Previously, the Social Platform filter showed post types (Instagram Reels, Facebook Posts, etc), which didn’t really make sense with the naming. Now the Social Platform filter allows you to select from the actual social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc). 

  • Performance by Creator. Previously, the Performance by Creator report's default view displayed rows based on creator + campaign instead of individual creators. Now, the report groups data at the creator level by default. Additionally, the report now supports grouping creator data by campaign, social platform, or by campaign + social platform.

Social Property data now available for Workflow Conditions

As a reminder, Workflows allow you to automatically approve, deny, or group partners when they apply to your program. With this release, we’re improving Workflows by expanding the available Rule conditions to include social property data such as follower counts and audience criteria (age, location, etc). This update makes it simpler to use workflows to auto-review Creator applications, saving you time. 

These new rule conditions are available in both the performance and creator program types. For the best results, we recommend pairing these new social conditions with a business model condition (where the business model is Creator).

Note: The audience demographics rules are an all-or-nothing match. So for example, if you set the rule to audience location is US, and 1% of the creator’s audience is in the US, then it will match. 

Partnerships Experience Academy (PXA)

Agency – Product Training – Fundamentals

Ready to grow your agency’s affiliate offerings with's tools and see your partnerships flourish? This course for agencies is your roadmap to getting started!

Under the guidance of Coady Joy, Head of Affiliate and Partnerships Education, agencies can expect an immersive crash course on the affiliate industry. Along the way, uncover essential program management strategies and learn how's core features will assist you in optimizing your partnership management. Plus, discover how to amplify partnerships and business growth with’s Agency Partner Program!

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recall the basics of affiliate marketing.

  • Recognize what offers agencies.

  • Describe the Agency Partner Program and how to join.

  • Demonstrate the main features of the platform.

Affiliate Marketing Resources

Eager to #MasterPartnerships? Go beyond the coursework with our free repository of practical templates, must-have worksheets, and informative blog posts — made by pros with your business goals in mind.

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